Credit account example sentences

This column is meant to store the account codes, which in the context of debit voucher are debit accounts and in the context of credit voucher are credit accounts.Similarly, in Credit oucher, the Credit Accounts Grid displays only the accounts, which are being credited in recording a transaction.The list controls have been deployed against Debit Account, Credit Account, Prepared By and Authorised By.This column is meant to store the complementing account code, which in the context of debit voucher is credit account and in the context of credit voucher is a debit account.On the Right hand side of above voucher Form, the list controls have been used in expanded Form to choose debit and credit accounts.Text control for entering Code in SubForm can be morphed to List control in the same manner as already explained for Debit/Credit Account in simple Transaction oucher except that the Control source property is assigned the Field name Code of ouchersDetail Table.

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